Tuesday, 27 November 2012

apologies for not being here- continue editing

Hi all,

apologies for not being in; illness at home.

Hope you enjoyed Harry Potter; you were all amazingly behaved and it was a pleasure to take you.

Continue editing and I will see you Thursday.

Thursday, 22 November 2012

outstanding evaluation on blog



The marks for this unit are:

Planning and research: 20

Construction: 60

Evaluation: 20

(making a total of 100 marks)

The Evaluation

You must answer the following questions:

· 1.In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

· 2.How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary task?

· 3.What have you learned from your audience feedback?

· 4. How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?


The music video, film trailer, TV advertisements and sponsorship sequence must be in DVD format, playable on a standard domestic DVD player (PAL). The radio advertisement must be in CD format.

The evaluation may be presented as a blog, web page, podcast, slideshow or DVD extra. Blogs, web pages, podcasts and slideshows must be available online for the moderator



Click on the link for ideas from a Level 4 blog

Level 4 Evaluations on this blog

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Evaluation Questions to complete after your video is handed in

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

  • Write about all THREE products
  • Be creative (how can you respond in an entertaining yet informative way?)
  • Use technology (e.g. photoshop, tubechop, prezi, scribd, iMovie, soundcloud, flickr etc)
  • Be analytical (pick out specific examples and remember your A2 theorists as well as ones from AS. Barthes, Todorov, Mulvey, Gilmore, Goodwin, Stewart etc)
  • Explain every decisions (discuss the choices you made)
  • Use the correct vocabulary (longshot, verisimilitude,(the quality of realism in something)  diegetic etc)

Monday, 19 November 2012

Evaluation AND final deadline advice for VIDEO

It's nearly time to evaluate your products - 

you can make a start on ancillary products if you are not able to edit in the lesson( digipak and advert).You will also evaluate your video after Friday 30th THE DEADLINE for the final video.The video must be burned to disc, named and signed in by 3.30pm to the English Office. It must also be available to view on your Blog.

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

  • Write about all THREE products
  • Be creative (how can you respond in an entertaining yet informative way?)
  • Use technology (e.g. photoshop, tubechop, prezi, scribd, iMovie, soundcloud, flickr etc)
  • Be analytical (pick out specific examples and remember your A2 theorists as well as ones from AS. Barthes, Todorov, Mulvey, Gilmore, Goodwin, Stewart etc)
  • Explain every decisions (discuss the choices you made)
  • Use the correct vocabulary (longshot, verisimilitude,(the quality of realism in something)  diegetic etc)

A link to theorists and other useful informationhttp://www.alevelmedia.co.uk/page_1269723589777.html

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

digipak and poster

Final deadlines are looming - this friday for ancillary products ( digipak and poster) NO copyright-free images may be used. It must be all your own work. Look at comments/feedback and act on advice. Keep it simple and focussed. Don't over complicate it!