Wednesday 3 October 2012

Digipak and Poster

You need to analyse 3x CD covers/digipaks and 3x adverts/posters advertising new albums.Include your choices on your blog with detailed observations.

Tips: Digipak
  1. choose covers which inspire you and are preferably in the same genre as your band/artist
  2. analyse colour palette and possible reasons behind it
  3. analyse connotations of names of bands and song titles and album name
  4. analyse layout, font, positioning of image(s)
  5. what is the image and what is the link to the band? Is there a sense of branding across their products? Why?
  6. are there any bonus tracks, freebies, posters , lyrics included?
Tips: Poster
  1. where did you find the poster? i.e. the magazine it came from/billboard/shop window etc
  2. coment on the layout ( think back to AS work on Golden Spiral, HOW it is intended to be read)
  3. comment on the colour palette and reasons behind this
  4. comment on font style/size (graphology) and its effectiveness
  5. analyse the image carefully. What/who does it depict and what is the intended audience supposed to feel?
  6. who, if anyone, has reviewed the album? why is this included?
Remember to be detailed in your observations. Are you going to adhere to existing conventions or deviate from these? Why? What will link your three practical products?

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